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Advertising in a program for a drag event presents a unique and exciting opportunity for businesses and brands looking to connect with a vibrant and diverse audience. Drag shows and events attract hundreds, sometimes thousands, of fans from various backgrounds, all united by their appreciation for the artistry, creativity, and self-expression that drag embodies. By placing an ad in such a program, you're not just buying ad space; you're aligning your brand with these values and tapping into a community that values inclusivity and support.



FULL PAGE: $500.00


HALF PAGE: $300.00  



2 Page Spread (same company) $800 (Save $200.00)


Full Page Advertisement + (2 VIP Tickets to event) = $800.00

(Save $100.00)


Full Page Advertisement + (4 VIP Tickets to event) = $1050.00 (Save $250.00)


Trim Size: 8.5″ x 11″

Bleed Size: 8.625″ x 11.25″


Trim Size:8.5″ x 5.5″

Bleed Size:8.75″ x 5.625″

Becoming a sponsor can unlock a multitude of advantages for companies, extending far beyond simple brand recognition.  Sponsorship serves as a powerful marketing tool that can enhance a company’s image, visibility, and credibility within its target market and beyond. Engaging in sponsorship opportunities allows companies to connect with their audience in a unique and memorable way, creating a lasting impression that can significantly impact consumer perceptions and behaviors. 


One of the primary benefits of sponsorship is the increased brand exposure it offers. Through strategic placement of logos, mentions in press releases, social media shoutouts, and presence at events, companies can significantly increase their brand visibility. This continuous exposure in various forms helps in building brand awareness and establishing a stronger brand identity. Moreover, being associated with events or causes that align with a company's values can enhance its image, showcasing its commitment to certain principles or communities, which can resonate well with like-minded consumers.


Additionally, sponsorship opens up invaluable networking opportunities and potential for lead generation. Events often bring together industry leaders, potential clients, and professionals with shared interests, providing a perfect platform for sponsors to connect, exchange ideas, and foster relationships. This direct engagement with the audience allows for immediate feedback and the cultivation of new leads. Furthermore, being a sponsor can set a company apart from its competitors, showcasing its dedication to supporting important events or causes, thereby enhancing its appeal to potential customers or partners who share similar values.

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